Friday, October 4, 2013
It has been a while
I cant believe I haven't posted in so long. I have so much catching up to do. It just seems like life has been one crazy ball of stuff. So please hang tight. I will be posting stuff starting tomorrow.
Monday, May 13, 2013
No More Ants and Weeds Be Gone
* Disclaimer - This is a product review. I was provided this product as part of a BzzCampaign provided to me by Bzzagent. All opinions are my own and I was not paid to give this review other than the product itself.
I hate Ants. Especially those little black ones. They seem to never go away. It seems like you can spray and spray for them and they never seem to go away. Or they leave for a couple days but are right back after the first rain. Now that I think about it the same goes for weeds. Anyone else feel this way?
Well I was asked by Bzzagent to join in on their campaign for Amdro PowerFlex Pest and Weed System. Amdro claims "The AMDRO® PowerFlex® Pest & Weed System is a revolutionary new pest- and weed-killing system. A true all-in-one solution -- you can take AMDRO® PowerFlex®system from your lawn to your home in seconds to kill pests and weeds. Just fill your tank with water and attach any of the four AMDRO® cartridges to the system’s battery-powered sprayer. The adjustable, battery-powered sprayer automatically combines concentrate from the cartridge with water from the tank, so you get perfectly combined solution every time, with no wasted water or concentrate. And when the job is finished, cleanup and storage is easy. Simply take out the cartridge, press and hold the trigger for 10 seconds to flush the sprayer with water from the tank and snap partially used cartridges into the convenient storage area on the back of the system. Finally, a versatile system that’s better for all your pest and weed problems."
My first thought was skeptical since I guess I didnt unerstand how a product could be safe for inside your home yet powerful enough to work outside. Boy was I suprised. And I loved the fact that it is super easy to use.
Since we have problems with little black ants that seem to love our porch I decided to use the Yard & Perimeter Outdoor cartridge first. It was easy to use. I put the amount of water the directions say in the big container. I then snap in the cartridge I am using. Then I am good to go.
It has been a week since I sprayed the perimeter of my porch and I have yet to see any ants. It has even rained a couple times since I sprayed. I am very optomistic that if this stuff is this good on ants outside that it will be amazing on weeds.

As of right now I will be telling all my friends and family about this product. In my opinion it truely claims to do what it claims to do. I am very impressed.
*Disclosure - I was given the chance to try out and then review this product as a BzzCampaign through BzzAgent. I was not paid any money for this review. I was simply given the product to try. All opinions are my own.
I hate Ants. Especially those little black ones. They seem to never go away. It seems like you can spray and spray for them and they never seem to go away. Or they leave for a couple days but are right back after the first rain. Now that I think about it the same goes for weeds. Anyone else feel this way?
Well I was asked by Bzzagent to join in on their campaign for Amdro PowerFlex Pest and Weed System. Amdro claims "The AMDRO® PowerFlex® Pest & Weed System is a revolutionary new pest- and weed-killing system. A true all-in-one solution -- you can take AMDRO® PowerFlex®system from your lawn to your home in seconds to kill pests and weeds. Just fill your tank with water and attach any of the four AMDRO® cartridges to the system’s battery-powered sprayer. The adjustable, battery-powered sprayer automatically combines concentrate from the cartridge with water from the tank, so you get perfectly combined solution every time, with no wasted water or concentrate. And when the job is finished, cleanup and storage is easy. Simply take out the cartridge, press and hold the trigger for 10 seconds to flush the sprayer with water from the tank and snap partially used cartridges into the convenient storage area on the back of the system. Finally, a versatile system that’s better for all your pest and weed problems."
My first thought was skeptical since I guess I didnt unerstand how a product could be safe for inside your home yet powerful enough to work outside. Boy was I suprised. And I loved the fact that it is super easy to use.
Since we have problems with little black ants that seem to love our porch I decided to use the Yard & Perimeter Outdoor cartridge first. It was easy to use. I put the amount of water the directions say in the big container. I then snap in the cartridge I am using. Then I am good to go.
It has been a week since I sprayed the perimeter of my porch and I have yet to see any ants. It has even rained a couple times since I sprayed. I am very optomistic that if this stuff is this good on ants outside that it will be amazing on weeds.

As of right now I will be telling all my friends and family about this product. In my opinion it truely claims to do what it claims to do. I am very impressed.
*Disclosure - I was given the chance to try out and then review this product as a BzzCampaign through BzzAgent. I was not paid any money for this review. I was simply given the product to try. All opinions are my own.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Blogging Fun
I am finally getting the hang of this blogging thing! I am so excited I created a button for my blog. Aww the little things that make me happy! Now if I could just figure out how to make tabs for the top of my page! So if anyone knows how to I would forever be thankful if you would share! And stay tuned as I get this blog off the ground!
2- IN - 1
*Disclosure - I was asked to try this product and give my honest opinion. All opinions are strictly my own.
When you hear about body wash and shampoo all in one, what do you think of? For me, I think of baby wash. Or maybe even shampoo plus conditioner. I would never think they would combine shampoo and body wash for adults. So imagine my shock when they sent me this product to test out.
I shared with my friends on Facebook that I had recieved this product to try out. The response from one of my friends was, "I don't know if I want to try any product that has the word CORPS on the bottle, LOL". I don't blame her. But I knew I couldn't give a honest review if I didn't fully try it. So the last couple of days I used it.
Day one: I was out of shaving cream so I decided to use it for my legs so I could shave.
Day two: I used it for both body wash and shampoo.
Day three: I used it for body wash and shampoo.
Day four: I only used it as body wash.
I feel like it is wonderful as a body wash. My skin was very soft and smooth when I was done. That night my skin still felt soft. I thought well if it made my skin this soft surely it will make my hair soft also. So the second day I washed my hair with it. I wasnt to impressed but decided I will give it another chance. So day three I washed my hair with it again. I was not happy. I felt like my hair was super dry. I have decided I won't be giving it another chance as shampoo. Although I do have to say I love it as body wash. My skin has felt amazingly soft since I started using it.
Now back to the "corps" part. I have to say the packaging of this product is nothing special. In fact it is not going to catch my eye at the store. It in fact is pretty boring to me. I understand the word corps is just the word in another language. I just think maybe they should leave that off.
So it is good for body wash, bad for shampoo, and needs serious improvement in the looks department.
*Disclosure - I received this product from Influenster and was asked to try it out and give my own personal opinions on it. I was not paid in any other way other than the product. All opinions and everything shared in this blog is my own opinion.
Runny Nose Be Gone....
*Disclosure - BzzAgent provided this product to me. All opinions are my own. I was in no way paid to blog about this, other than being given the product*
Do allergies run your kids down? Do you find yourself wiping their nose every 2 seconds it seems?
My youngest son is cursed with horrible allergies. The amount of tissues I go through in a days time is ridiculous. Just playing outside was sometimes a task because we always had to make sure we had enough tissues. If we went to the park and forgot our stash then that meant we came home with my sons shirt caked with snot. I had bought some over the counter allergy medicine. I have to admit I usually went for the generic stuff. Everyone always tells me that the generic is just as good as the name brand. Nothing would work the way we wanted though. They would either make him tired or just plain seem out of it. We can't live like that.
Then one day I was asked to join a campaign with BzzAgent for Claritin Childrens Tablets. I thought GREAT!!!! It sure could hurt to try it. Well I recieved the product in the mail shortly after and immediately started using it.
Now let me start by saying I got the chewable tablet kind. My son has no problem taking medicine, but for some reason loves the chewable types.
I will start by giving you some facts on this brand.
Do allergies run your kids down? Do you find yourself wiping their nose every 2 seconds it seems?
My youngest son is cursed with horrible allergies. The amount of tissues I go through in a days time is ridiculous. Just playing outside was sometimes a task because we always had to make sure we had enough tissues. If we went to the park and forgot our stash then that meant we came home with my sons shirt caked with snot. I had bought some over the counter allergy medicine. I have to admit I usually went for the generic stuff. Everyone always tells me that the generic is just as good as the name brand. Nothing would work the way we wanted though. They would either make him tired or just plain seem out of it. We can't live like that.
Then one day I was asked to join a campaign with BzzAgent for Claritin Childrens Tablets. I thought GREAT!!!! It sure could hurt to try it. Well I recieved the product in the mail shortly after and immediately started using it.
Now let me start by saying I got the chewable tablet kind. My son has no problem taking medicine, but for some reason loves the chewable types.
I will start by giving you some facts on this brand.
When children gain relief from allergies, they can turn their focus to school, sports, friends, hobbies and other “kid stuff” all day long. Here are a few more reasons why Children’s Claritin® products are a great choice for all-day relief:
- Only Children’s Claritin® provides powerful 24 hour relief for a child’s worst seasonal and indoor allergy symptoms without making them jittery or drowsy1
- Seasonal allergens peak in the spring and fall due to the pollination of certain trees, grasses and weeds
- Indoor allergens like dust, mold and pet dander are often present at school and at home
- Children’s Claritin® is the #1 Pediatrician Recommended Non-Drowsy Allergy Brand — an important fact to note when choosing medicine for your children
- 24 hour allergy relief; one dose lasts the whole day
- Claritin® has a variety of forms for kids, including Syrup and Chewables for children ages 2 and up, and RediTabs for children ages 6 and up
1 Among leading OTC brands
Now some facts on my own personal experience.
- Me and my son immediately started noticing the difference with in the first day of taking this product.
- With in a whole 24 hours we were not using any tissues.
- My son seemed to have more energy from him allergies not weighing him down.
- He has not once appeared to be drowsy from the medicine.
I would personally recommend this product to anyone who has children with allergies. Although I found the product to be a bit pricey, I believe it is well worth the price.
*Disclosure - I was given the chance to try out and then review this product as a BzzCampaign through BzzAgent. I was not paid any money for this review. I was simply given the product to try. All opinions are my own.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Enter The Giveaway
So I follow a blog that I love. Mom2ZQB She is a mom who blogs about some awesome products and wonderful ideas. She recently started a contest for Soft Scrub 4-in-1 Toilet Care. I had never even heard of this product, but knew it was something I could use. I mean who couldn't use a toilet cleaning product? So I entered and I think you should too. Just click on her name above and check out her blog. While there enter to win the Soft Scrub product. Or just follow this direct link to the contest. Soft Scrub 4-in-1 Giveaway
Friday, March 22, 2013
Bacon Anyone?
Do you love cupcakes? I sure do. I also love to try new cupcake flavors. So this week I decided to try my hand at making Maple Bacon cupcakes. I have heard such great reviews about this flavor! We will see what happens. I will keep you informed!
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Amazing Shampoo & Conditioner
I have been using an amazing new shampoo and conditioner from Garnier. It is called Hydra Recharge. It it claims to give you a powerful blast of hydration that lasts.

I have always had dry, brittle, frizzy hair. I had tried numerous shampoos and conditioners for help. Nothing seemed to help or it was just a temporary fix. So naturally I am skeptical on if this product would even work. Well I was impressed just after the first use.
I have always needed to use conditioner in my hair, otherwise my hair would dry out even more. As I am applying the shampoo to my hair I am impressed with the feel of the hydra beads. Yes you read that right. It has tiny beads in the shampoo. As I am rinsing the shampoo I am in love and amazed at how soft my hair is feeling. And even without the conditioner. The shampoo alone left my hair feeling soft. I could of easily skipped the conditioner.
The past conditioners I have ever bought I have had to use about 10x the recommended amount just to cover my hair. So naturally I start to pile the conditioner up in my hand. Well for once in life I can say I used WAY to much conditioner. All it takes of this conditioner is a tiny bit. If I wasn't impressed with how soft my hair felt after the shampoo, I am blown away now! I was even impressed with how soft my hair felt wet out of the shower.
After all is said and done and hair is dry, I am happy to say that my hair is soft, silky and almost weightless.
Another amazing perk? It smells wonderful and my whole bathroom still (hours later) smells wonderful! I will be buying this product when these bottles run out!
* I am a BzzAgent and part of a word of mouth company. This blog is solely my opinion on this product. I was not paid money from or Garnier to write this review. I was provided the products free of charge to try out and review.
**Image used in this blog. I was given permission to use this picture through I in no way own or claim to own the copyright of the photo.

I have always had dry, brittle, frizzy hair. I had tried numerous shampoos and conditioners for help. Nothing seemed to help or it was just a temporary fix. So naturally I am skeptical on if this product would even work. Well I was impressed just after the first use.
I have always needed to use conditioner in my hair, otherwise my hair would dry out even more. As I am applying the shampoo to my hair I am impressed with the feel of the hydra beads. Yes you read that right. It has tiny beads in the shampoo. As I am rinsing the shampoo I am in love and amazed at how soft my hair is feeling. And even without the conditioner. The shampoo alone left my hair feeling soft. I could of easily skipped the conditioner.
The past conditioners I have ever bought I have had to use about 10x the recommended amount just to cover my hair. So naturally I start to pile the conditioner up in my hand. Well for once in life I can say I used WAY to much conditioner. All it takes of this conditioner is a tiny bit. If I wasn't impressed with how soft my hair felt after the shampoo, I am blown away now! I was even impressed with how soft my hair felt wet out of the shower.
After all is said and done and hair is dry, I am happy to say that my hair is soft, silky and almost weightless.
Another amazing perk? It smells wonderful and my whole bathroom still (hours later) smells wonderful! I will be buying this product when these bottles run out!
* I am a BzzAgent and part of a word of mouth company. This blog is solely my opinion on this product. I was not paid money from or Garnier to write this review. I was provided the products free of charge to try out and review.
**Image used in this blog. I was given permission to use this picture through I in no way own or claim to own the copyright of the photo.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Garnier Olia
I got the opportunity to try a new hair color product. It is called Olia by Garnier. It boasts to be the first oil powered hair dye with no ammonia!

As someone who has been dying her hair since I was a teenager, I was excited to find out how this hair color was going to be any different than any other hair dye.
I was impressed as soon as I opened the box. The bottle alone was cool. Like a raindrop. Another thing I thought was cool was the fact that the gloves they give you are black. I know I know, I am easily impressed. And as I am preparing the hair dye I put the cool black gloves on only to find out that the gloves actually fit. Usually when I use other dye, the gloves that come with them are big and loose. This is the first time I have dyed my hair and didn't d up with dye all over my hands. So the fact that the gloves fit was a HUGE plus for me.
Another issue I usually have is that with my long hair I have to buy 2 boxes. Well since they only sent one box I had to make due. I was pleasantly surprised to find that this one box not only covered all my hair, but that I didn't even have to use all of the bottle. Another plus in my book was the smell. It actually smelled pleasant to me. So far this product is well on its way to becoming my favorite hair dye.
Now just to wait and see how it comes out when I wash it out.
I have to say that not once while I was waiting to wash it out did my hair look or feel the way it did as when I had this dye in my hair. My hair had a shine! I wash it out and use the conditioner that they included. Let me add that the amount of conditioner that they give is about 3 to 4 times the amount of the others. I am in love with the way my hair feels. It is soft. I also am in love with the color. I choice Darkest Violet. Out of their 24 different shades. I decided if I was going to try it let me change my hair color a little :)
Here is some additional info about Garnier Olia outside of my opinion:
• First oil-powered permanent home hair color
• N
• 60% oil blend with natural flower oils
• 100% gray coverage
• Maximum color performance
• Visibly improves and restores hair*
• Pleasant floral fragrance
• In 24 different shades
• Suggested retail price: $9.99
*Restores hair by improving smoothness and shine.
I will post before and after pics later today!
* I am a BzzAgent and part of a word of mouth company and I was provided this product to test and review free of charge (no cost to me). What is wrote in this blog is solely my opinion. I was in no way paid by BzzAgent or Garnier for writing this review other than the free hair dye.
** I was granted permission to use the picture in this blog by BzzAgent with permission from Garnier. I in no way own or have any rights to the picture.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
We Love HuHot...
We have a tendency to eat out a lot. It has been worse since we moved to the city. But even though we eat out a lot, we have a tendency to go to the same place. We love HuHot. If you have never been there them you are missing out. It is an all you can eat Mangolian Grill. You pick your meat, noodles, vegetables, and sauce. Then you watch them cook it on their huge round grill. My kids even love it. Grayson has found he live crab and Cayden loves squid (calamari). I would have never thought my kids would eat that kind of food but they love it. HuHot also has an amazing salad that I am dying to find out what they use for the dressing. This is where we went for our Valentines dinner. It was yummy!
Friday, February 15, 2013
I Love Cupcakes
If you know me you know I love cupcakes! Today I became the owner of some heart shaped silicone cupcake bakers! I am in heaven. Really when I become the owner of anything that belongs in the kitchen I am happy! I love baking and cooking. My passion is to be a great cupcake maker and a marvelous cake decorator. If I could go to culinary school then my dream would come true. But sadly there are no culinary schools where I live.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Our Favorite Dinner
I think it is funny that I see this as a popular dinner now. I have been making this for dinner since 2003. Although my version isn't near as pretty as some of the ways that they are making it today, but not still tastes just as yummy!!! I decided in would share with you how to make it the way I do!
First you only need 4 ingredients.
One pound hamburger
One packet taco seasoning
Two rolls of crescent rolls
One bag of shredded cheddar cheese
Step one: brown your hamburger and drain.
Step two: add taco seasoning to meat as directed on the package.
Step three: while your meat is cooking with the seasoning spray a cake pan with a nonstick spray.
Step four: spread the first roll of crescent rolls along bottom of pan. Until bottom of pan is covered.
Step five: spread hamburger meat over the crescent rolls on the bottom of pan.
Step six: cover hamburger meat with half the bag of shredded cheese.
Step seven: cover hamburger and cheese with the other package of crescent tools. Make sure you crease the sides all the way around (pressing the bottom layer or crescents and the top layer together to close the whole thing up)
Step eight: sprinkle the rest of the cheese on top and bake according to the directions on the crescent roll packs.
First you only need 4 ingredients.
One pound hamburger
One packet taco seasoning
Two rolls of crescent rolls
One bag of shredded cheddar cheese
Step one: brown your hamburger and drain.
Step two: add taco seasoning to meat as directed on the package.
Step three: while your meat is cooking with the seasoning spray a cake pan with a nonstick spray.
Step four: spread the first roll of crescent rolls along bottom of pan. Until bottom of pan is covered.
Step five: spread hamburger meat over the crescent rolls on the bottom of pan.
Step six: cover hamburger meat with half the bag of shredded cheese.
Step seven: cover hamburger and cheese with the other package of crescent tools. Make sure you crease the sides all the way around (pressing the bottom layer or crescents and the top layer together to close the whole thing up)
Step eight: sprinkle the rest of the cheese on top and bake according to the directions on the crescent roll packs.
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