I got the opportunity to try a new hair color product. It is called Olia by Garnier. It boasts to be the first oil powered hair dye with no ammonia!

As someone who has been dying her hair since I was a teenager, I was excited to find out how this hair color was going to be any different than any other hair dye.
I was impressed as soon as I opened the box. The bottle alone was cool. Like a raindrop. Another thing I thought was cool was the fact that the gloves they give you are black. I know I know, I am easily impressed. And as I am preparing the hair dye I put the cool black gloves on only to find out that the gloves actually fit. Usually when I use other dye, the gloves that come with them are big and loose. This is the first time I have dyed my hair and didn't d up with dye all over my hands. So the fact that the gloves fit was a HUGE plus for me.
Another issue I usually have is that with my long hair I have to buy 2 boxes. Well since they only sent one box I had to make due. I was pleasantly surprised to find that this one box not only covered all my hair, but that I didn't even have to use all of the bottle. Another plus in my book was the smell. It actually smelled pleasant to me. So far this product is well on its way to becoming my favorite hair dye.
Now just to wait and see how it comes out when I wash it out.
I have to say that not once while I was waiting to wash it out did my hair look or feel the way it did as when I had this dye in my hair. My hair had a shine! I wash it out and use the conditioner that they included. Let me add that the amount of conditioner that they give is about 3 to 4 times the amount of the others. I am in love with the way my hair feels. It is soft. I also am in love with the color. I choice Darkest Violet. Out of their 24 different shades. I decided if I was going to try it let me change my hair color a little :)
Here is some additional info about Garnier Olia outside of my opinion:
• First oil-powered permanent home hair color
• N
• 60% oil blend with natural flower oils
• 100% gray coverage
• Maximum color performance
• Visibly improves and restores hair*
• Pleasant floral fragrance
• In 24 different shades
• Suggested retail price: $9.99
*Restores hair by improving smoothness and shine.
I will post before and after pics later today!
* I am a BzzAgent and part of a word of mouth company and I was provided this product to test and review free of charge (no cost to me). What is wrote in this blog is solely my opinion. I was in no way paid by BzzAgent or Garnier for writing this review other than the free hair dye.
** I was granted permission to use the picture in this blog by BzzAgent with permission from Garnier. I in no way own or have any rights to the picture.
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